Welcome to the 2015 Benchmark Comparison Portal.

Our research is based upon information from 901 contact centres in 72 countries.

The Portal allows you to view over 400 data points across 90 charts, with 8 filters options including region, sector, size, service and provider type.
Commentary`.Annot`Topic`Q`.ResultType`View`.Findings`Section~ ``[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Productivity==1+Multichannel==2+Handling time==3+KPI's==4$$]`5.12 What is your average handle time for non-voice contacts? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$5.12 What is your average handle time for non-voice contacts?$$SEOF$$5.12 What is your average handle time for non-voice contacts?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$$$$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~15% of technology remains separate from the enterprise architectures. 48% is centred on enterprise solutions.`48% is centred on enterprise solutions.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business systems==1+Integration==2$$]`7.3 Is your contact centre technology part of your organisation's enterprise architecture? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$7.3 Is your contact centre technology part of your organisation's enterprise architecture?$$SEOF$$7.3 Is your contact centre technology part of your organisation's enterprise architecture?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$15% of technology remains separate from the enterprise architectures.$$48% is centred on enterprise solutions.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~19% actively using some form of home agent. 18% have unused capability. Customer service kiosk popularity linked to geography.`18% have unused capability. Customer service kiosk popularity linked to geography.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business systems==1+Market strategy==2$$]`7.7 What functions can the contact centre support, and are they used? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$7.7 What functions can the contact centre support, and are they used?$$SEOF$$7.7 What functions can the contact centre support, and are they used?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$19% actively using some form of home agent.$$18% have unused capability. Customer service kiosk popularity linked to geography.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~19% don't use and have no plans for CTI. Significant deployment variations at sector levels.`Significant deployment variations at sector levels.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$CTI==1+Business process==2$$]`7.11 What CTI applications do you use? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%YRZ1Coojm9GyOMoPA6QvdCXKOy9soRCXGpFZJhsPSMm5x9o0unGuYcRE5SrXDdqKuqELkStxylnbk12AB9bwPxKdK2N0V81jv2]]]]$$Q$$7.11 What CTI applications do you use?$$SEOF$$7.11 What CTI applications do you use?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$19% don't use and have no plans for CTI.$$Significant deployment variations at sector levels.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~23% drop in direct ownership models 34% of contact centres without a hosted solution are planning for it`34% of contact centres without a hosted solution are planning for it`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Strategy==1+Commercial management==2+Business process==3$$]`7.13 How do you provision/maintain your contact centre technology (both infrastructure and applications)? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$7.13 How do you provision/maintain your contact centre technology (both infrastructure and applications)?$$SEOF$$7.13 How do you provision/maintain your contact centre technology (both infrastructure and applications)?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$23% drop in direct ownership models$$34% of contact centres without a hosted solution are planning for it$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~23% still don't measure cost/time for phone. 41% don't measure cost/time for web chat. 47% fail to track email work effort.`41% don't measure cost/time for web chat. 47% fail to track email work effort.`[$$TOPIC2$$0003000$$Business intelligence==1+Management information / commercials==2+CTI==3+CTI==6$$]`3.10 Do you measure the cost and time of customer interactions on each channel that you provide? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$3.10 Do you measure the cost and time of customer interactions on each channel that you provide?$$SEOF$$3.10 Do you measure the cost and time of customer interactions on each channel that you provide?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$23% still don't measure cost / time for phone.$$41% don't measure cost / time for web chat. 47% fail to track email work effort.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~23% still don't measure cost/time for phone. 41% don't measure cost/time for web chat47% fail to track email work effort.`41% don't measure cost/time for web chat47% fail to track email work effort.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business intelligence==1+Management information==2$$]`3.1 What business information tools are available within your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$3.1 What business information tools are available within your contact centre?$$SEOF$$3.1 What business information tools are available within your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$23% still don't measure cost / time for phone.$$41% don't measure cost / time for web chat47% fail to track email work effort.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~29% of contact centres still without WFM systems. 48% without agent analytics systems. Direct relationship to contact centre size.`48% without agent analytics systems. Direct relationship to contact centre size.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Workforce optimisation==1+Business process==2$$]`6.15 What systems are used to enable workforce optimisation in your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$6.15 What systems are used to enable workforce optimisation in your contact centre?$$SEOF$$6.15 What systems are used to enable workforce optimisation in your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$29% of contact centres still without WFM systems.$$48% without agent analytics systems. Direct relationship to contact centre size.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~36% of calls routed to IVRs are completed. 53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.`53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Multichannel==1+IVR==2$$]`4.12.1 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$4.12.1 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre?$$SEOF$$4.12.1 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard-NumD$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$36% of calls routed to IVRs are completed.$$53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~36% of calls routed to IVRs are completed. 53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.`53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Multichannel==1+IVR==2$$]`4.12.2 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$4.12.2 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre?$$SEOF$$4.12.2 What are the most recent annual IVR call statistics for your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard-NumC$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$36% of calls routed to IVRs are completed.$$53% of calls drop out to agents, but patience levels are increasing.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~37% of attrition occurs in first 6 months 15% falls off during training as roles become increasingly complex`15% falls off during training as roles become increasingly complex`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$HR==1+Employee satisfaction==2+Attrition==3$$]`6.19 Please indicate what proportion of staff attrition is experienced during the following periods? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$6.19 Please indicate what proportion of staff attrition is experienced during the following periods?$$SEOF$$6.19 Please indicate what proportion of staff attrition is experienced during the following periods?$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$37% of attrition occurs in first 6 months$$15% falls off during training as roles become increasingly complex$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~42% say voice traffic will decrease. 74% expect an uplift in overall interactions resulting in 16% net increase in FTE.`74% expect an uplift in overall interactions resulting in 16% net increase in FTE.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Growth==1+Outsourcing==2$$]`2.8 How do you see your contact centre(s) evolving in the next two years? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$2.8 How do you see your contact centre(s) evolving in the next two years?$$SEOF$$2.8 How do you see your contact centre(s) evolving in the next two years?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$42% say voice traffic will decrease.$$74% expect an uplift in overall interactions resulting in 16% net increase in FTE.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~43% don't ever review assisted-service processes. Similar for self-service - 26% that review, do it less than yearly!.`Similar for self-service - 26% that review, do it less than yearly!.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Business process==1+Customer experience==2+Self-service==3+Process review==4$$]`4.5 How frequently do you review self-/assisted-service process flows in order to improve effectiveness and customer satisfaction? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$4.5 How frequently do you review self-/assisted-service process flows in order to improve effectiveness and customer satisfaction?$$SEOF$$4.5 How frequently do you review self-/assisted-service process flows in order to improve effectiveness and customer satisfaction?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$43% don't ever review assisted-service processes.$$Similar for self-service - 26% that review, do it less than yearly!.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~43% don't have queuing/routing applications for email/web chat. Word spotting technology applied by just 20% of social media users, but small increase from 2012.`Word spotting technology applied by just 20% of social media users, but small increase from 2012.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Multichannel==1+Channels==2$$]`7.8 Which of the following technologies are you using to support assisted-service channels? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$7.8 Which of the following technologies are you using to support assisted-service channels?$$SEOF$$7.8 Which of the following technologies are you using to support assisted-service channels?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$43% don't have queuing / routing applications for email / web chat.$$Word spotting technology applied by just 20% of social media users, but small increase from 2012.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~44% of agents not prompted to identify sales opportunities. 10% have automated systems, majority rely on manual process.`10% have automated systems, majority rely on manual process.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Sales==1$$]`5.8 Can agents identify sales opportunities through specified triggers that may occur during customer contacts? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$5.8 Can agents identify sales opportunities through specified triggers that may occur during customer contacts?$$SEOF$$5.8 Can agents identify sales opportunities through specified triggers that may occur during customer contacts?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$44% of agents not prompted to identify sales opportunities.$$10% have automated systems, majority rely on manual process.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~50% of users can order / amend / cancel services via interactive smart apps 39% can update personal information`39% can update personal information`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Smart application==1+Customer experience==2$$]`4.11 What smartphone/tablet application (smart app) functionality is available to customers? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$4.11 What smartphone/tablet application (smart app) functionality is available to customers?$$SEOF$$4.11 What smartphone/tablet application (smart app) functionality is available to customers?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$50% of users can order / amend / cancel services via interactive smart apps$$39% can update personal information$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~53% highlight analytics as doing most to reshape the industry in the next 5 years. Customer demands force new strategies.`Customer demands force new strategies.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Innovation==1+Trends==2$$]`2.10 What three things do you think will do most to reshape the contact centre industry during the next five years? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%lasNYYXIMYx7KqmIwNdQp95kKKgcmcFCKakl5m0IarkmVYSOgHZvLMgSUptKVjVuN1Hq0pOPCeDWCebezYPELC1Y1OVynqf0J6]]]]$$Q$$2.10 What three things do you think will do most to reshape the contact centre industry during the next five years?$$SEOF$$2.10 What three things do you think will do most to reshape the contact centre industry during the next five years?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$53% highlight analytics as doing most to reshape the industry in the next 5 years.$$Customer demands force new strategies.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~56% use IVR touchtone for simple transactions. 34% also have capability for complex transactions.`34% also have capability for complex transactions.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$IVR==1$$]`7.10 What IVR functions do you have enabled? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$7.10 What IVR functions do you have enabled?$$SEOF$$7.10 What IVR functions do you have enabled?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$56% use IVR touchtone for simple transactions.$$34% also have capability for complex transactions.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~57% can relate improving customer experience levels to revenue/ profit growth. ``[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$CRM==1$$]`2.6 Is your contact centre able to show a relationship between improving customer experience levels and: (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%lasNYYXIMYx7KqmIwNdQp95kKKgcmcFCKakl5m0IarkmVYSOgHZvLMgSUptKVjVuN1Hq0pOPCeDWCebezYPELC1Y1OVynqf0J6]]]]$$Q$$2.6 Is your contact centre able to show a relationship between improving customer experience levels and:$$SEOF$$2.6 Is your contact centre able to show a relationship between improving customer experience levels and:$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$57% can relate improving customer experience levels to revenue / profit growth.$$$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~61% of core analytics systems aren't integrated across business. 21% improvement in the integration and user access to customer information systems.`21% improvement in the integration and user access to customer information systems.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business integration==1+Business systems==2$$]`7.5 Are the following core business systems integrated with contact centre systems? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$7.5 Are the following core business systems integrated with contact centre systems?$$SEOF$$7.5 Are the following core business systems integrated with contact centre systems?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$61% of core analytics systems aren't integrated across business.$$21% improvement in the integration and user access to customer information systems.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~70% productivity level remains unchanged from last Report. Wait (available) time much less -less waste and better scheduled resources.`Wait (available) time much less -less waste and better scheduled resources.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Productivity==1+Performance management==2+KPI's==3$$]`5.13 What percentage of an agent's day is spent: (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%YRZ1Coojm9GyOMoPA6QvdCXKOy9soRCXGpFZJhsPSMm5x9o0unGuYcRE5SrXDdqKuqELkStxylnbk12AB9bwPxKdK2N0V81jv2]]]]$$Q$$5.13 What percentage of an agent's day is spent:$$SEOF$$5.13 What percentage of an agent's day is spent:$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$70% productivity level remains unchanged from last Report.$$Wait (available) time much less -less waste and better scheduled resources.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~75% can now pre-identify and segment customers. One quarter have adopted qualification criteria such as gold cards/user value.`One quarter have adopted qualification criteria such as gold cards/user value.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business intelligence==1+Segmentation==2+Customer experience==3$$]`3.3 If you can segment your customer base, how are customers identified as belonging to a particular segment during interactions? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$3.3 If you can segment your customer base, how are customers identified as belonging to a particular segment during interactions?$$SEOF$$3.3 If you can segment your customer base, how are customers identified as belonging to a particular segment during interactions?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$75% can now pre-identify and segment customers.$$One quarter have adopted qualification criteria such as gold cards / user value.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~75% view the contact centre as key differentiator. But quarter retain a cost centre mentality.`But quarter retain a cost centre mentality.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Customer experience==1$$]`2.1 Does your organisation view the contact centre/customer care as a competitive differentiator? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$2.1 Does your organisation view the contact centre/customer care as a competitive differentiator?$$SEOF$$2.1 Does your organisation view the contact centre/customer care as a competitive differentiator?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$75% view the contact centre as key differentiator.$$But quarter retain a cost centre mentality.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~76% of calls answered within 20 secs - best in four years Contradiction: average speed to answer at a 4-year high`Contradiction: average speed to answer at a 4-year high`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Performance management==1+Productivity==2+Handling time==3+KPI's==4$$]`5.10 In your contact centre, what are the call time statistics for... (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%GuLTQXRYsobCNHg2qwJh3GK3NNS0Yg8soLAu4V42B0yUSofXMYYNSpN8Ggx8dZM1iSUrDgh6KvElEBYt0oZDTKy5wb96bACa2C]]]]$$Q$$5.10 In your contact centre, what are the call time statistics for...$$SEOF$$5.10 In your contact centre, what are the call time statistics for...$$A$$Dashboard-NumD$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$76% of calls answered within 20 secs - best in four years$$Contradiction: average speed to answer at a 4-year high$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~77% regularly communicate with employees on performance versus target. 63% do same on purpose, aims, and values of organisation.`63% do same on purpose, aims, and values of organisation.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Employee satisfaction==1+Performance management==2$$]`6.14 How often does your organisation communicate to employees about the following? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$6.14 How often does your organisation communicate to employees about the following?$$SEOF$$6.14 How often does your organisation communicate to employees about the following?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$77% regularly communicate with employees on performance versus target.$$63% do same on purpose, aims, and values of organisation.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~77% use customer feedback to drive service quality (63% increase). More than a third (36%) have implemented screen-recording technology.`More than a third (36%) have implemented screen-recording technology.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Customer experience==1+Business systems==2$$]`5.5 What do you use to enable the quality of contact centre services? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$5.5 What do you use to enable the quality of contact centre services?$$SEOF$$5.5 What do you use to enable the quality of contact centre services?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$77% use customer feedback to drive service quality (63% increase).$$More than a third (36%) have implemented screen-recording technology.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~79% of competency profiles align to the actual role. 26% don't review competency management frameworks regularly.`26% don't review competency management frameworks regularly.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Training==1+Competency management==2$$]`6.9 Do you have competency frameworks in place for roles within the contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$6.9 Do you have competency frameworks in place for roles within the contact centre?$$SEOF$$6.9 Do you have competency frameworks in place for roles within the contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$79% of competency profiles align to the actual role.$$26% don't review competency management frameworks regularly.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~8% are independently responsible for the sourcing and design of IT. 18% are excluded from design.`18% are excluded from design.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business integration==1+IT sourcing==2+IT design==3$$]`7.4 How involved is the contact centre in designing business requirements for, and sourcing, new technology solutions? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$7.4 How involved is the contact centre in designing business requirements for, and sourcing, new technology solutions?$$SEOF$$7.4 How involved is the contact centre in designing business requirements for, and sourcing, new technology solutions?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$8% are independently responsible for the sourcing and design of IT.$$18% are excluded from design.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~83% on permanent contracts.17% are temporary staff. Mix suggests industry becoming more creative with resourcing models. 17% are temporary staff - slight increase on last year - highest split since 2011.`Mix suggests industry becoming more creative with resourcing models. 17% are temporary staff - slight increase on last year - highest split since 2011.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$HR==1$$]`6.5 What percentage of agents are employed on: (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$6.5 What percentage of agents are employed on:$$SEOF$$6.5 What percentage of agents are employed on:$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$83% on permanent contracts.17% are temporary staff.$$Mix suggests industry becoming more creative with resourcing models. 17% are temporary staff - slight increase on last year - highest split since 2011.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~84% of users offer web chat via Internet service pagesJust 52% on sales pages 16% have merged chat with smart apps`16% have merged chat with smart apps`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Chat==1$$]`4.8 Where have you deployed web chat? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$4.8 Where have you deployed web chat?$$SEOF$$4.8 Where have you deployed web chat?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$84% of users offer web chat via Internet service pagesJust 52% on sales pages$$16% have merged chat with smart apps$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~86% have an SLA procedure to track enquiries passed within the contact centre. Just 60% can track outside the contact centre (it's also done more manually).`Just 60% can track outside the contact centre (it's also done more manually).`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$SLA==1+Management information==2$$]`3.6 Do you have effective procedures to track service level agreement (SLA) performance on enquiries passed within or outside the contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$3.6 Do you have effective procedures to track service level agreement (SLA) performance on enquiries passed within or outside the contact centre?$$SEOF$$3.6 Do you have effective procedures to track service level agreement (SLA) performance on enquiries passed within or outside the contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$86% have an SLA procedure to track enquiries passed within the contact centre.$$Just 60% can track outside the contact centre (it's also done more manually).$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~89% of current users with an opinion agree cloud has reduced costs. 88% of same highlight it offers access to new functionality.`88% of same highlight it offers access to new functionality.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business intelligence==1+Cloud==2+Hosting==3$$]`7.14 How has the use of hosted/cloud technologies affected your business? (% responses)`Check100`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$7.14 How has the use of hosted/cloud technologies affected your business?$$SEOF$$7.14 How has the use of hosted/cloud technologies affected your business?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$89% of current users with an opinion agree cloud has reduced costs.$$88% of same highlight it offers access to new functionality.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~91% measure quality on voice contacts. Just 61% for non-voice interactions. Even less (51%) on back-office functions.`Just 61% for non-voice interactions. Even less (51%) on back-office functions.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Customer experience==1+Process management==2$$]`5.4 Do you measure quality levels on: (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$5.4 Do you measure quality levels on:$$SEOF$$5.4 Do you measure quality levels on:$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$91% measure quality on voice contacts.$$Just 61% for non-voice interactions. Even less (51%) on back-office functions.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Agents receive just over 1 day in coaching / training each month Managers receive about 2 days more than agents per month`Managers receive about 2 days more than agents per month`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Training==1+Performance management==2+Recruitment and training==3$$]`5.14 How much training and coaching time is allocated each month for: (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$5.14 How much training and coaching time is allocated each month for:$$SEOF$$5.14 How much training and coaching time is allocated each month for:$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Agents receive just over 1 day in coaching / training each month$$Managers receive about 2 days more than agents per month$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Are knowledge management systems becoming too hard to maintain?. Remains most commonly used systems, but usage levels dropping yearly since 2012.`Remains most commonly used systems, but usage levels dropping yearly since 2012.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$CRM==1+Business process==2$$]`7.9 What systems do you use to enable CRM and business support services in your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$7.9 What systems do you use to enable CRM and business support services in your contact centre?$$SEOF$$7.9 What systems do you use to enable CRM and business support services in your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Are knowledge management systems becoming too hard to maintain?.$$Remains most commonly used systems, but usage levels dropping yearly since 2012.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~As with attrition, agent absenteeism rates are almost double that of other roles. Encouragingly, rates for all roles are down against last year.`Encouragingly, rates for all roles are down against last year.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$HR==1+Employee satisfaction==2+Absenteeism==3$$]`6.21 What level of absenteeism do you experience for the following roles? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$6.21 What level of absenteeism do you experience for the following roles?$$SEOF$$6.21 What level of absenteeism do you experience for the following roles?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$As with attrition, agent absenteeism rates are almost double that of other roles.$$Encouragingly, rates for all roles are down against last year.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~At least 1 in 5 say technology doesn't meet current needs (2 in 5 for social media and speech). 79% fear systems won't meet future needs.`79% fear systems won't meet future needs.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business systems==1+Strategy==2$$]`7.6 How well do the following infrastructure items meet your current and future needs? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%lasNYYXIMYx7KqmIwNdQp95kKKgcmcFCKakl5m0IarkmVYSOgHZvLMgSUptKVjVuN1Hq0pOPCeDWCebezYPELC1Y1OVynqf0J6]]]]$$Q$$7.6 How well do the following infrastructure items meet your current and future needs?$$SEOF$$7.6 How well do the following infrastructure items meet your current and future needs?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$At least 1 in 5 say technology doesn't meet current needs (2 in 5 for social media and speech).$$79% fear systems won't meet future needs.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~Automated decision-making more than doubles in last year. 30% of companies don't trust their agents to make financial decisions.`30% of companies don't trust their agents to make financial decisions.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business process==1+Customer experience==2$$]`6.12 In what way are agents empowered to make financial decisions during customer interactions? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%GuLTQXRYsobCNHg2qwJh3GK3NNS0Yg8soLAu4V42B0yUSofXMYYNSpN8Ggx8dZM1iSUrDgh6KvElEBYt0oZDTKy5wb96bACa2C]]]]$$Q$$6.12 In what way are agents empowered to make financial decisions during customer interactions?$$SEOF$$6.12 In what way are agents empowered to make financial decisions during customer interactions?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Automated decision-making more than doubles in last year.$$30% of companies don't trust their agents to make financial decisions.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Average of 12 weeks learning (including induction) for voice agents to become fully competent Multiskilled agents take most time`Multiskilled agents take most time`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Training==1+Competency management==2$$]`6.8 On average, how long does it take for your agents to become competent in their roles after they've completed induction training? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$6.8 On average, how long does it take for your agents to become competent in their roles after they've completed induction training?$$SEOF$$6.8 On average, how long does it take for your agents to become competent in their roles after they've completed induction training?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Average of 12 weeks learning (including induction) for voice agents to become fully competent$$Multiskilled agents take most time$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Average team size is 13Standard of 6 team leaders to each manager Only coaching ratios have changed - benchmark increases to 24 agents per coach.`Only coaching ratios have changed - benchmark increases to 24 agents per coach.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$HR==1+Business process==2+Staff ratios==3$$]`6.4 In your contact centre, what are the following ratios? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%YRZ1Coojm9GyOMoPA6QvdCXKOy9soRCXGpFZJhsPSMm5x9o0unGuYcRE5SrXDdqKuqELkStxylnbk12AB9bwPxKdK2N0V81jv2]]]]$$Q$$6.4 In your contact centre, what are the following ratios?$$SEOF$$6.4 In your contact centre, what are the following ratios?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Average team size is 13Standard of 6 team leaders to each manager$$Only coaching ratios have changed - benchmark increases to 24 agents per coach.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Channel presence as a cost-reducing measure increased by 44% in two yearsMore than 50% use channel choice to improve customer sat 2/3 have no strategy to join it all up.`2/3 have no strategy to join it all up.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Multichannel==1+Self-service==2+Technology infrastructure==3+IVR==4$$]`4.1 What are your main reasons for offering self-/assisted-service channels? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$4.1 What are your main reasons for offering self-/assisted-service channels? $$SEOF$$4.1 What are your main reasons for offering self-/assisted-service channels? $$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Channel presence as a cost-reducing measure increased by 44% in two yearsMore than 50% use channel choice to improve customer sat$$2 / 3 have no strategy to join it all up.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Classroom environments preferred for induction training. Side-by-side (on the floor) the most popular method for ongoing training needs.`Side-by-side (on the floor) the most popular method for ongoing training needs.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Training==1+Business intelligence==2$$]`6.10 Please indicate which of the following training methods are most effective for your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$6.10 Please indicate which of the following training methods are most effective for your contact centre?$$SEOF$$6.10 Please indicate which of the following training methods are most effective for your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Classroom environments preferred for induction training.$$Side-by-side (on the floor) the most popular method for ongoing training needs.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Customer experience is top strategic performance measure. But has fallen four years in a row.`But has fallen four years in a row.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Customer experience==1+Performance management==2+NPS==3$$]`5.2 What is your average and target customer experience score for: (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%YRZ1Coojm9GyOMoPA6QvdCXKOy9soRCXGpFZJhsPSMm5x9o0unGuYcRE5SrXDdqKuqELkStxylnbk12AB9bwPxKdK2N0V81jv2]]]]$$Q$$5.2 What is your average and target customer experience score for:$$SEOF$$5.2 What is your average and target customer experience score for:$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Customer experience is top strategic performance measure.$$But has fallen four years in a row.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Customers not the inhibitors of social media Service industry has been slow to respond`Service industry has been slow to respond`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Social media==1+Multichannel==2$$]`4.10 What are the key challenges preventing you from offering full sales and/or customer service solutions, via social media platforms? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%lasNYYXIMYx7KqmIwNdQp95kKKgcmcFCKakl5m0IarkmVYSOgHZvLMgSUptKVjVuN1Hq0pOPCeDWCebezYPELC1Y1OVynqf0J6]]]]$$Q$$4.10 What are the key challenges preventing you from offering full sales and/or customer service solutions, via social media platforms?$$SEOF$$4.10 What are the key challenges preventing you from offering full sales and/or customer service solutions, via social media platforms?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Customers not the inhibitors of social media$$Service industry has been slow to respond$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Decisions to outsource still driven by cost and flexibility benefits. Service improvement benefits evidenced by a four-place jump.`Service improvement benefits evidenced by a four-place jump.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Outsourcing==1$$]`2.9 What are the most positive benefits of contact centre outsourcing? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$2.9 What are the most positive benefits of contact centre outsourcing?$$SEOF$$2.9 What are the most positive benefits of contact centre outsourcing?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Decisions to outsource still driven by cost and flexibility benefits.$$Service improvement benefits evidenced by a four-place jump.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~Digital becoming dominant contact preference for Gen Y. Gen X starting to follow suit.`Gen X starting to follow suit.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Customer experience==1+Business intelligence==2+Channels==3$$]`4.7 Which channels are most popular with your age-profiled customers? (% responses)`Check100`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$4.7 Which channels are most popular with your age-profiled customers?$$SEOF$$4.7 Which channels are most popular with your age-profiled customers?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Digital becoming dominant contact preference for Gen Y.$$Gen X starting to follow suit.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Digital capabilities develop more slowly than customers would like - dependency on traditional voice will remain. Gradual increases, but volumes remain low.`Gradual increases, but volumes remain low.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Call deflection==1+Call avoidance==2$$]`2.3 What percentage of the contact centre's interactions are handled (and completed) across each channel? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$2.3 What percentage of the contact centre's interactions are handled (and completed) across each channel?$$SEOF$$2.3 What percentage of the contact centre's interactions are handled (and completed) across each channel?$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Digital capabilities develop more slowly than customers would like - dependency on traditional voice will remain.$$Gradual increases, but volumes remain low.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~Digital channel WFM needs suffer from neglect. Room to improve phone interaction activity.`Room to improve phone interaction activity.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Multichannel==1$$]`6.17 Which channels are covered by automated workforce management systems? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$6.17 Which channels are covered by automated workforce management systems?$$SEOF$$6.17 Which channels are covered by automated workforce management systems?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Digital channel WFM needs suffer from neglect.$$Room to improve phone interaction activity.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Digital channels increasingly utilised across all engagement types. Social media usage for complaints is growing - now 2nd adoption area after sales and marketing .`Social media usage for complaints is growing - now 2nd adoption area after sales and marketing .`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Outbound==1+CRM==2+Channels==3+Technology applications==4$$]`3.9 What channels do you use to initiate contact with customers in the following situations? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$3.9 What channels do you use to initiate contact with customers in the following situations?$$SEOF$$3.9 What channels do you use to initiate contact with customers in the following situations?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Digital channels increasingly utilised across all engagement types.$$Social media usage for complaints is growing - now 2nd adoption area after sales and marketing .$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Digital response times are improving fast, but must still get better. Customers on social media can expect a 2 hour wait, email now around 5 hours.`Customers on social media can expect a 2 hour wait, email now around 5 hours.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Multichannel==1+Performance management==2+Response time==3+KPI's==4$$]`5.11 How quickly do you respond to non-voice channels? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$5.11 How quickly do you respond to non-voice channels?$$SEOF$$5.11 How quickly do you respond to non-voice channels?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Digital response times are improving fast, but must still get better.$$Customers on social media can expect a 2 hour wait, email now around 5 hours.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Ease of resolution is key Contact choice important, but less than ability to resolve enquiry`Contact choice important, but less than ability to resolve enquiry`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Customer experience==1+Operational==2+Process management==3$$]`5.1 What are the top three most important factors affecting customer satisfaction with your organisation? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$5.1 What are the top three most important factors affecting customer satisfaction with your organisation?$$SEOF$$5.1 What are the top three most important factors affecting customer satisfaction with your organisation?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Ease of resolution is key$$Contact choice important, but less than ability to resolve enquiry$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Efficiency dominates. Call deflection emerges as top priority for contact centres. The next step: optimise the experience and benefit.`Call deflection emerges as top priority for contact centres. The next step: optimise the experience and benefit.`[$$TOPIC2$$0000000$$Key trends (and challenges)==0$$]`2.4 What are the top three industry trends currently affecting your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$2.4 What are the top three industry trends currently affecting your contact centre?$$SEOF$$2.4 What are the top three industry trends currently affecting your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Efficiency dominates.$$Call deflection emerges as top priority for contact centres. The next step: optimise the experience and benefit.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~FCR on voice contact static for last 4 years. Two-thirds of interactions handled via non-voice channels are resolved.`Two-thirds of interactions handled via non-voice channels are resolved.`[$$TOPIC2$$0003000$$Performance management==1+Management information==2+Customer experience==3+FCR==4+KPI's==5$$]`5.7 What are your first contact resolution (FCR) percentage rates for Voice and Non-voice contacts? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$5.7 What are your first contact resolution (FCR) percentage rates for Voice and Non-voice contacts?$$SEOF$$5.7 What are your first contact resolution (FCR) percentage rates for Voice and Non-voice contacts?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$FCR on voice contact static for last 4 years.$$Two-thirds of interactions handled via non-voice channels are resolved.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Flattening of measurements and more balanced approach. Conversion rates top indicator. Productivity focus grows with hourly dials up 7% and rising to 2nd place.`Conversion rates top indicator. Productivity focus grows with hourly dials up 7% and rising to 2nd place.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Outbound==1+Performance management==2$$]`5.9 If you use an outbound capability, which of the following do you measure? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$5.9 If you use an outbound capability, which of the following do you measure?$$SEOF$$5.9 If you use an outbound capability, which of the following do you measure?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Flattening of measurements and more balanced approach.$$Conversion rates top indicator. Productivity focus grows with hourly dials up 7% and rising to 2nd place.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Following training, companies are more likely to monitor changes on quality and productivity than the end-customer experience. But measurement levels are up almost across the board.`But measurement levels are up almost across the board.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Training==1+Business intelligence==2+People management==3$$]`6.11 Following training, do you measure changes in: (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$6.11 Following training, do you measure changes in:$$SEOF$$6.11 Following training, do you measure changes in:$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Following training, companies are more likely to monitor changes on quality and productivity than the end-customer experience.$$But measurement levels are up almost across the board.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Growing number of contact centre employees lost to other parts of the organisation. Accounts for almost one-third of all attrition.`Accounts for almost one-third of all attrition.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$HR==1+Employee satisfaction==2+Attrition==3$$]`6.20 How much of your annual attrition figure is actually staff leaving the contact centre for a new role elsewhere within the organisation? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$6.20 How much of your annual attrition figure is actually staff leaving the contact centre for a new role elsewhere within the organisation?$$SEOF$$6.20 How much of your annual attrition figure is actually staff leaving the contact centre for a new role elsewhere within the organisation?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Growing number of contact centre employees lost to other parts of the organisation.$$Accounts for almost one-third of all attrition.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~IVR used to identify contacts nearly doubles in a year. Voice biometrics/speech recognition remains a niche.`Voice biometrics/speech recognition remains a niche.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$ID &V==1$$]`3.8 How do you identify and verify customers? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$3.8 How do you identify and verify customers?$$SEOF$$3.8 How do you identify and verify customers?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$IVR used to identify contacts nearly doubles in a year.$$Voice biometrics / speech recognition remains a niche.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Importance of staff quality surges with 26% since last Report. Staff retention key as 45% select location as a great place to work. Focus on cost up 14% since 2012.`Staff retention key as 45% select location as a great place to work. Focus on cost up 14% since 2012.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Location==1+Growth==2$$]`2.7 What are the top three drivers for your contact centre(s) location strategy? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$2.7 What are the top three drivers for your contact centre(s) location strategy?$$SEOF$$2.7 What are the top three drivers for your contact centre(s) location strategy?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Importance of staff quality surges with 26% since last Report.$$Staff retention key as 45% select location as a great place to work. Focus on cost up 14% since 2012.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~Increasing channel offerings to compound challenges to gain a single view of customer. Ideal is integrated systems enabling flexibility on new and existing functionality .`Ideal is integrated systems enabling flexibility on new and existing functionality .`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Process management==1+CRM==2+Systems==3$$]`3.7 How many software systems do your agents use to process a typical customer interaction? (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$3.7 How many software systems do your agents use to process a typical customer interaction?$$SEOF$$3.7 How many software systems do your agents use to process a typical customer interaction?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Increasing channel offerings to compound challenges to gain a single view of customer.$$Ideal is integrated systems enabling flexibility on new and existing functionality .$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Integration issues dominate 42% cite ROI as key challenge - reflects lack of measurements`42% cite ROI as key challenge - reflects lack of measurements`[$$TOPIC2$$0003500$$Multichannel==1+Process management==2+Challenges==3+Self-service==4+Cloud==5+Dialler==6$$]`4.3 What are the greatest challenges in implementing successful self-/assisted-service applications? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$4.3 What are the greatest challenges in implementing successful self-/assisted-service applications?$$SEOF$$4.3 What are the greatest challenges in implementing successful self-/assisted-service applications?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Integration issues dominate$$42% cite ROI as key challenge - reflects lack of measurements$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Just 24% of centres enjoy full collaboration on process design at enterprise level. 52% don't share customer intelligence outside of the contact centre.`52% don't share customer intelligence outside of the contact centre.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business intelligence==1+Management information==2+Customer feedback==3$$]`3.5 Do you have effective procedures for sharing customer intelligence or improving processes based upon customer feedback? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$3.5 Do you have effective procedures for sharing customer intelligence or improving processes based upon customer feedback?$$SEOF$$3.5 Do you have effective procedures for sharing customer intelligence or improving processes based upon customer feedback?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Just 24% of centres enjoy full collaboration on process design at enterprise level.$$52% don't share customer intelligence outside of the contact centre.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Just 57% of centres remain voice-only. 35% of agents are now multiskilled across voice and non-voice engagement channels.`35% of agents are now multiskilled across voice and non-voice engagement channels.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business process==1+Business integration==2+Multiskilling==3$$]`6.3 What percentage of your agents handle... (average)`Number`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$6.3 What percentage of your agents handle...$$SEOF$$6.3 What percentage of your agents handle...$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Just 57% of centres remain voice-only.$$35% of agents are now multiskilled across voice and non-voice engagement channels.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Less than 4 in 10 have social media capability. 74% have a dedicated team of responders. 50% listen to customer sentiment.`74% have a dedicated team of responders. 50% listen to customer sentiment.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Social media==1$$]`4.9 What best describes your approach towards social media? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$4.9 What best describes your approach towards social media?$$SEOF$$4.9 What best describes your approach towards social media?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Less than 4 in 10 have social media capability.$$74% have a dedicated team of responders. 50% listen to customer sentiment.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Less than half pass any information to agents when customers drop out of self- /assisted-service. Automated validations rising, back to past levels.`Automated validations rising, back to past levels.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Multichannel==1+Business systems==2+Self-service==3$$]`4.4 What type of information is passed to the agent when a customer elects to drops out of self- or assisted-services? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%lasNYYXIMYx7KqmIwNdQp95kKKgcmcFCKakl5m0IarkmVYSOgHZvLMgSUptKVjVuN1Hq0pOPCeDWCebezYPELC1Y1OVynqf0J6]]]]$$Q$$4.4 What type of information is passed to the agent when a customer elects to drops out of self- or assisted-services?$$SEOF$$4.4 What type of information is passed to the agent when a customer elects to drops out of self- or assisted-services?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Less than half pass any information to agents when customers drop out of self- / assisted-service.$$Automated validations rising, back to past levels.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Little progress in last year. Just 57% of operations manage schedule adherence targets84% fail to check agent satisfaction on WFM processes.`Just 57% of operations manage schedule adherence targets84% fail to check agent satisfaction on WFM processes.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Performance management==1+Analytics==2+Targets==3$$]`6.16 Do you have targets in place to measure the effectiveness of the following workforce planning areas? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%YRZ1Coojm9GyOMoPA6QvdCXKOy9soRCXGpFZJhsPSMm5x9o0unGuYcRE5SrXDdqKuqELkStxylnbk12AB9bwPxKdK2N0V81jv2]]]]$$Q$$6.16 Do you have targets in place to measure the effectiveness of the following workforce planning areas?$$SEOF$$6.16 Do you have targets in place to measure the effectiveness of the following workforce planning areas?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Little progress in last year.$$Just 57% of operations manage schedule adherence targets84% fail to check agent satisfaction on WFM processes.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Management rates worsen for second year, agent rates improve. Agent attrition still double that of other roles.`Agent attrition still double that of other roles.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$HR==1+Employee satisfaction==2+Attrition==3$$]`6.18 What is your annual attrition rate for the following roles? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$6.18 What is your annual attrition rate for the following roles?$$SEOF$$6.18 What is your annual attrition rate for the following roles?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Management rates worsen for second year, agent rates improve.$$Agent attrition still double that of other roles.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Manual dialing dominates, but future plans lay elsewhere. Large focus now on developing outbound via online engagement models.`Large focus now on developing outbound via online engagement models.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Outbound==1+Business process==2$$]`7.12 What systems do you use for outbound interactions? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$7.12 What systems do you use for outbound interactions?$$SEOF$$7.12 What systems do you use for outbound interactions?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Manual dialing dominates, but future plans lay elsewhere.$$Large focus now on developing outbound via online engagement models.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~Most important strategic performance measurement for contact centres is 'customer experience'. Customer experience levels drop for the 4th consecutive year.`Customer experience levels drop for the 4th consecutive year.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Market strategy==1+Performance management==2+KPI's==3$$]`2.5 What are the most important strategic performance measurements according to your board/executive team? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$2.5 What are the most important strategic performance measurements according to your board/executive team?$$SEOF$$2.5 What are the most important strategic performance measurements according to your board/executive team?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Most important strategic performance measurement for contact centres is 'customer experience'.$$Customer experience levels drop for the 4th consecutive year.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~No. 1 Technology trend 'Customer demand for emerging channels' prioritised by contact centres ``[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business systems==1+Strategy==2$$]`7.1 What are the top three technology trends being prioritised by your contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%Sg0E9Sfa7ghr30BsRFuJjYQ13hhtZMT8vUosy7RspliyCg4RilsmgrIMOaOk7ufvPeejWaDpbJ99DfUnxgWej3TKJ3aXRcNO5b]]]]$$Q$$7.1 What are the top three technology trends being prioritised by your contact centre?$$SEOF$$7.1 What are the top three technology trends being prioritised by your contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$No. 1 Technology trend 'Customer demand for emerging channels' prioritised by contact centres$$$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~One-year increase of 32% for blending voice and non-voice channels. Many continue to prefer allocating agents to a dedicated channel.`Many continue to prefer allocating agents to a dedicated channel.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business process==1+Channels==2+Channel blending==3$$]`6.2 Do you have call/channel blending capabilities? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%rVdLkEaqunnI4uWJBf4bAXiX4fXI5UByy76bvK5JQcKzznkjZEHKCRzlwEcawDgYeALnqErr5Hu0XqGGNnJvmBxfat55EgAs8v]]]]$$Q$$6.2 Do you have call/channel blending capabilities?$$SEOF$$6.2 Do you have call/channel blending capabilities?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$One-year increase of 32% for blending voice and non-voice channels.$$Many continue to prefer allocating agents to a dedicated channel.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Opportunity and career planning has biggest impact on staff satisfaction. Employee engagement followed by salary growth mechanisms are next.`Employee engagement followed by salary growth mechanisms are next.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Employee satisfaction==1+Business intelligence==2+Key trends (and challenges)==3$$]`6.13 What are your top three initiatives to improve staff satisfaction? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%IdCo7iOr45096EDh84nNC3Y565E297W6gYQPBNYhsgIF05AncAkLxZSXY9nqFUU5lo2oQ9Gt4YFxIYTSq5OCVf0wRJMx6BHUtB]]]]$$Q$$6.13 What are your top three initiatives to improve staff satisfaction?$$SEOF$$6.13 What are your top three initiatives to improve staff satisfaction?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Opportunity and career planning has biggest impact on staff satisfaction.$$Employee engagement followed by salary growth mechanisms are next.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Organisations harder on themselves than their customers. 26% of customers delighted as CX scores drop for 4th year.`26% of customers delighted as CX scores drop for 4th year.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Customer experience==1$$]`5.3 How do you think your organisation and your customers would rate your contact centre service offerings? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%097vGqqHE7toCsEZUCw3iEeICgGz7jKOOsV6fIxZgnVDD7HdWbIoZWjGFm0RmeAFzHApHmJi6UWD3Xx8Q7hGdW4a8xQ4AUS49c]]]]$$Q$$5.3 How do you think your organisation and your customers would rate your contact centre service offerings?$$SEOF$$5.3 How do you think your organisation and your customers would rate your contact centre service offerings?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Organisations harder on themselves than their customers.$$26% of customers delighted as CX scores drop for 4th year.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Personalised service offerings more than doubled in two years: from 20% up to 43%. Demonstrates the impact of improved analytics.`Demonstrates the impact of improved analytics.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Business intelligence==1+Segmentation==2+Customer experience==3$$]`3.4 What degree of personalised service can you offer based on your segmentation strategy? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%GuLTQXRYsobCNHg2qwJh3GK3NNS0Yg8soLAu4V42B0yUSofXMYYNSpN8Ggx8dZM1iSUrDgh6KvElEBYt0oZDTKy5wb96bACa2C]]]]$$Q$$3.4 What degree of personalised service can you offer based on your segmentation strategy?$$SEOF$$3.4 What degree of personalised service can you offer based on your segmentation strategy?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Personalised service offerings more than doubled in two years: from 20% up to 43%.$$Demonstrates the impact of improved analytics.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Resource-related costs are 76% of full operating budget.Support costs up to 89% 10% reserved for technology -lowest in 3 years.`10% reserved for technology -lowest in 3 years.`[$$TOPIC2$$0002000$$Commercials==1+Business intelligence==2+Budget==3$$]`6.6 What percentage of your operating budget is allocated to the following. (average)`Number-Arr`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$6.6 What percentage of your operating budget is allocated to the following.$$SEOF$$6.6 What percentage of your operating budget is allocated to the following.$$A$$Dashboard-NumB$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Resource-related costs are 76% of full operating budget.Support costs up to 89%$$10% reserved for technology -lowest in 3 years.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Satisfaction and resolution rates top focus for ops managers. NPS rises 3 places since 2012 with selections up 61% in last yearAttention to productivity rises as utilisation rates moves up three spots.`NPS rises 3 places since 2012 with selections up 61% in last yearAttention to productivity rises as utilisation rates moves up three spots.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Performance management==1+Operational==2$$]`5.6 What are the top three most important indicators of operational performance from a business perspective? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%GuLTQXRYsobCNHg2qwJh3GK3NNS0Yg8soLAu4V42B0yUSofXMYYNSpN8Ggx8dZM1iSUrDgh6KvElEBYt0oZDTKy5wb96bACa2C]]]]$$Q$$5.6 What are the top three most important indicators of operational performance from a business perspective?$$SEOF$$5.6 What are the top three most important indicators of operational performance from a business perspective?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Satisfaction and resolution rates top focus for ops managers.$$NPS rises 3 places since 2012 with selections up 61% in last yearAttention to productivity rises as utilisation rates moves up three spots.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0005$$]Operations~Smart apps to grow to 54% by 2016. Web chat will more than double to 70%. Social media already at 43%.`Web chat will more than double to 70%. Social media already at 43%.`[$$TOPIC2$$0003000$$Self-service==1+Mobility==2+Social media==3+Chat==4+Web/Internet==5$$]`2.2 What channels are managed by the contact centre? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$2.2 What channels are managed by the contact centre?$$SEOF$$2.2 What channels are managed by the contact centre?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Smart apps to grow to 54% by 2016.$$Web chat will more than double to 70%. Social media already at 43%.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0002$$]Strategy and innovation~Targets not being achieved Poorly designed solutions and rushed implementations have hindered uptake levels`Poorly designed solutions and rushed implementations have hindered uptake levels`[$$TOPIC2$$0002500$$Customer experience==1+Call avoidance==2+Call deflection==3+Self-service==4$$]`4.6 What is your call deflection target on telephone calls avoided as customers now use alternative channels? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$4.6 What is your call deflection target on telephone calls avoided as customers now use alternative channels?$$SEOF$$4.6 What is your call deflection target on telephone calls avoided as customers now use alternative channels?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Targets not being achieved$$Poorly designed solutions and rushed implementations have hindered uptake levels$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Top 5 challenges indicate system flexibility issues and integration problems Cost of ownership and upgrading of legacy systems key`Cost of ownership and upgrading of legacy systems key`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business systems==1+Challenges==2$$]`7.2 What are the most common challenges faced as a result of your contact centre technology systems? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$7.2 What are the most common challenges faced as a result of your contact centre technology systems?$$SEOF$$7.2 What are the most common challenges faced as a result of your contact centre technology systems?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Top 5 challenges indicate system flexibility issues and integration problems$$Cost of ownership and upgrading of legacy systems key$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0007$$]Technology~Top voted benefit of business intelligence systems is customer experience. 50% of outsourcers agree these systems will reduce operating costs.`50% of outsourcers agree these systems will reduce operating costs.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001500$$Business intelligence==1+Management information==2$$]`3.2 What benefits are enabled by your business intelligence systems? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%1jY4EHzkXGJ1sn9M4Kl9e5B8sOQ7CZrGPgLQ2zLMmptxWG1aEpC1Qg5guYGWULJLfYbRfYxYOGvRvSAMkGDJ7yRiAy01S0vNBx]]]]$$Q$$3.2 What benefits are enabled by your business intelligence systems?$$SEOF$$3.2 What benefits are enabled by your business intelligence systems?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Top voted benefit of business intelligence systems is customer experience.$$50% of outsourcers agree these systems will reduce operating costs.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0003$$]Customer interaction management~Top-rated channel by customers is telephone. IVR results show missed opportunity. Average of 21% don't capture how customers rate their self- /assisted-service channels .`IVR results show missed opportunity. Average of 21% don't capture how customers rate their self- /assisted-service channels .`[$$TOPIC2$$0003500$$Multichannel==1+Self-service==2+Mobility==3+Social media==4+Chat==5+Web/Internet==6$$]`4.2 How do your customers rate the effectiveness of your self-/assisted-service channels? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$4.2 How do your customers rate the effectiveness of your self-/assisted-service channels?$$SEOF$$4.2 How do your customers rate the effectiveness of your self-/assisted-service channels?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Top-rated channel by customers is telephone.$$IVR results show missed opportunity. Average of 21% don't capture how customers rate their self- / assisted-service channels .$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0004$$]Multichannel management~Voice agents receive 2 days more training than non-voice agents. Management training allowances up 48% - at a 3-year high.`Management training allowances up 48% - at a 3-year high.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Training==1$$]`6.7 How many days induction training do the following roles receive? (average)`Number-Row`[$$DL$$[[[[%X5amZ1SZ8QOfbQp8JQLB976yboBnxWmSLBuLxXK8hIa4AQvqAwS4snMAgsJIPJrotXYTxsbBsLopGv3icQRbRibecsdltK4dfA]]]]$$Q$$6.7 How many days induction training do the following roles receive?$$SEOF$$6.7 How many days induction training do the following roles receive?$$A$$Dashboard-Num$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Voice agents receive 2 days more training than non-voice agents.$$Management training allowances up 48% - at a 3-year high.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~Volume pressures primary driving force behind load balancing. Availability of skilled resources not as it should be. But approach is maturing and more structure in evidence.`Availability of skilled resources not as it should be. But approach is maturing and more structure in evidence.`[$$TOPIC2$$0001000$$Load balancing==1$$]`6.1 What triggers load balancing between different contact centres/agent groups? (% responses)`Check`[$$DL$$[[[[%HSIuoAuT1ErVy4vOK56tSIqRya38QPflUmKY9o7OLWN2cEu4a6OFmjDWaZgOzlBe6iT7BZ0mxwtt5H8gTExcUkLCq94YXaoHeT]]]]$$Q$$6.1 What triggers load balancing between different contact centres/agent groups?$$SEOF$$6.1 What triggers load balancing between different contact centres/agent groups?$$A$$Dashboard$$S$$Selected Question$$$$Y$$]`[$$ANNOT$$Volume pressures primary driving force behind load balancing.$$Availability of skilled resources not as it should be. But approach is maturing and more structure in evidence.$$cobj_annot_top_sm$$cobj_annot_btm_sm$$cobj_annot_bse_sm$$]`[$$ORD$$0006$$]Workforce optimisation~